Valuation developed for start-ups

Are you preparing to raise funds?
Do you want to assess the value of a company?
Do you want to sell shares or make an investment?
Do you want to buy or sell a company?

More than 4,000 valuations: Benefit from Estimeo’s expertise in financial and non-financial analysis

méthode de valorisation

A 5-stage recovery process

Use the platform to assess the fair value of your start-up on the market, so that you can prepare and orchestrate your capital transactions.

Discover our offers

Accelerated valuation

459€ HT*



Certified valuation

859€ HT



Diagnostic Growth

5000€ HT*

*50% financed by Bpifrance

Valuation reports tailored to start-ups

Our analysis highlights the intangible factors by focusing on 7 pillars: People, Market, Strategy, Offer, Finance, Innovation and Impact, in order to assess each start-up accurately and precisely.

Recognised by financial institutions

Reliable and accurate valuation

Up to 7 methods applied

Extra-financial analysis and weighting

We have enhanced their value

Boost your ambitions