La notation startup
certifiée Estimeo

Would you like to make it easier and quicker to deal with financial and business partners?

Would you like to take stock of your strengths and weaknesses?

Would you like to respond to invitations to tender?

Our certified rating report gives you a letter grade and an in-depth analysis of your start-up’s risk and potential.

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Get listed by UGAP

You must provide a rating report from a third-party organisation attesting to your financial strength dating back less than 12 months.

The Estimeo rating report is recognised by UGAP and SCC for assessing a company’s overall risk level.

A useful rating for...





Calls for tender

A full rating report

The Estimeo rating is a method developed to assess the risk and potential of start-ups.

This approach is specially adapted to the particularities of startups, such as their lack of track record or their high degree of innovation.

Using an algorithm-based equity scoring method, Estimeo collects financial and non-financial information directly from startups.

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A rating process in just 4 steps

Thanks to the platform, you can assess the fair value of your company on the market and prepare and orchestrate your capital transactions.

rating process

The advantages of our rating method

A neutral, independent assessment of your start-up

This method enables you to assess the maturity of your project, understand its strengths and weaknesses, its areas for development and compare yourself with your competitors.

Personalised contact with an analyst

During and after the rating process, you have the opportunity to talk to an analyst who can help you understand your report.

Optimised approaches to financial partners

The Estimeo rating gives you access to our community of investors and enables you to respond to calls for tender.

You have questions about rating ?

Discover our offer

Certified rating

590€ HT

They have placed their trust in us

If you'd like to find out more about your start-up's potential, sign up to our platform!