Effectuation Chronicles #11: Inscoper, An Intelligence to Observe Life

Effectuation Chronicles #11: Inscoper, An Intelligence to Observe Life

Effectuation Chronicles #11: Inscoper, An Intelligence to Observe Life

It’s Sunday night. You are in your sofa, comfortably seated, for your weekly sin: television. Tonight, a fiction presents a mad and megalomaniac scientist at the head of an infernal machine. Enhanced by a colourful personality, the result is a mixture of Moonraker and Dr. Folamour. Even if it’s in a movie, it’s hard not to smile! How then would this wacky man be able to successfully industrialize the production of an army of robots? Who do we think we’re fooling? Moving from the laboratory to the general public is not automatic. On the contrary, it is a complicated ballet between researchers on the one hand, and engineers, managers and sales representatives on the other.

In a nutshell. A « brain for microscope ».

From lab exploration to mass production, it takes a whole journey. It is this transformation that Olivier Chanteux, CEO and co-founder of Inscoper, tells us about. He has partnered with Otmane Bouchareb to exploit the invention of two researchers, Marc Tramier and Jacques Pécréaux. Based in Rennes, the start-up is developing a control system for research microscopes and is enjoying such commercial success in its €1.3 billion market that it is seeking to internationalize abroad only 3 months after the launch of its product…

Article to be found in full on Forbes
